The Nicole Ettere
Memorial Gardens Foundation
Building Gardens Throughout New York State
The Nicole Ettere Memorial Gardens Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization. All funds donated will go directly to the creation of the Gardens of Remembrance throughout New York State. Please donate to continue these gardens in each County throughout New York State.
Remembering Our Loved Ones
Remembering our loved ones with Gardens of Remembrance throughout New York State.
In the News

Memorial in Carmel pays tribute to those who died by suicide
A first-of-its-kind memorial is paying tribute to those who died by suicide in the region.
Lucille and Roy Ettere, whose daughter Nicole died by suicide, spearheaded the Garden of Remembrance, which recognizes lives lost to suicide.
It now rests outside of the Putnam County Office Building in Carmel.
Mental Illness & Their Families
Suicide Prevention Resources
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